Project ID:101131087Toward consolidation of germplasm and cell reversible drying through knowledge transfer. Call: HORIZON-MSCA-2022-SE-01, Programme: HORIZON, DG/Agency: REA

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them

Toward consolidation of germplasm and cell reversible drying through knowledge transfer.

WhyNotDry will deepen our knowledge on reversible drying in cells and germplasm toward the

development of a dry biobanking as an alternative to the current freezing in Liquid Nitrogen (LN). LN is

expensive, requires dedicated facilities and power supply, and has a high CO2 footprint. WhyNotDry will

achieve its aims through a multidisciplinary, intersectoral, international network of scientists that will: i)

Develop a drying/rehydration platform using naturally desiccation-tolerant midge (Polypedilum

vanderplanki) Pv11 cell lines; ii) Identify the best combination of naturally occurring xeroprotectants

(xero=dry) from desiccation-tolerant insect cell line and the best performing water subtraction platform.

iii) To use the best xeroprotectants mix and the drying/rehydration protocol for mammalian

cells/germplasm. vi) Develop a prototype for controlled dehydration of microvolumes of cell. The R&I

activities leading to these aims will be carried out by knowhow sharing through Staff Exchanges

between: 3 EU academies, 2 EU SMEs, 2 international partners (Japan, Thailand). Outcomes of

WhyNotDry will be incorporated into a cheap, environmentally friendly, and easy biobanking for

biodiversity conservation, assisted reproduction, stem cell/personalized medicine. Successful

development of this technology will set the basis for a radically new, ‘green’ biobanking paradigm,

simplifying the maintenance and shipping practices in life sciences, with enormous reduction in costs

and carbon footprint. Moreover, knowledge generated in WhyNotDry would be applicable to other fields

such as agriculture, environmental science, food processing, and the pharmaceutical industry, where

elective or enforced (by climate change) drying is dealt with. Finally, WhyNotDry will empower young

scientists with transferable skills, ensuring career prospects in academia/industry, and strengthen the

international/sectorial network between disciplines, boosting European excellence.